Trust and Estate Litigation
After a person’s death, sometimes there is a dispute as to who is entitled to receive that person’s assets and who has the authority to marshal (or take possession of), manage, and distribute that property whether that person is the trustee of a trust or the personal representative of a decedent’s probate estate. Further, upon a person’s incapacity, similar disputes can arise related to who has the authority to make decisions on behalf of that incapacitated person and whether a conservatorship is necessary or appropriate.
To learn more about conservatorships, click here > Conservatorships
Although most disputes are resolved through various informal dispute resolution mechanisms, sometimes compromise and settlement is impossible and trial may be necessary. Trial, on the other hand, may not be the best option. Lionheart Legal understands that each matter is unique when it comes to litigation, so each matter requires a personalized, custom approach and a thorough investigation of the facts. Lionheart Legal further focuses on providing recommendations based on an exceptional understanding of both the California Probate Code in addition to the legal rules of procedure and evidence most probate lawyers are unfamiliar with.
To learn more about your individual situation, please feel free to contact Lionheart Legal and schedule a consultation.